Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Your Poetry
Our email is here: sydneypoetryblog@gmail.com and our eyes & ears are open.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
life of hair - kurt johnson
We die in the corner of a room,
Sucked into our tomb of felt walls,
To the grey basalt of the moon
Tangled in a ball with our brothers,
Sucked into our tomb of felt walls,
From lives spent mid notes on a desk,
Tangled in a ball with our brothers,
At the end we all start to fray,
From lives spent mid notes on a desk,
Born as blonde chutes from the earth,
At the end we all start to fray,
Uprooted by a tense hand of god,
From lives spent mid notes on a desk,
To the grey basalt of the moon,
Uprooted by a tense hand of god,
We die in the corner of a room.

Image Source: charlietyack
Saturday, October 20, 2007
forty - peter coghill
Forty - Peter Coghill
I would walk forward in circles,
in a waltz, to savour side
and backward views; I would
have eyes in unlikely places
and ears for forgotten songs.
I would walk spinningly,
a tourist, with hanging mouth,
round the ruins of my youth.

Image source: maproomsystems
to r.i.p - onur karaozbek
To R.I.P
City streets packed, every step a new person
But none looks back at me
Even I gaze and I stare,
Even I smile and I greet
Later that day hours of grid lock
Screaming men, screaming women
But no one screams at me
After I swerve on the old lady driving a Volvo,
After I crash in to the bus full of kids
At night no one is around
The light from the corner shop is humming
Birds flying away, ignoring me,
When I scatter around packs of seeds
When I scatter around packs of seeds
I keep going, I want to be seen
To be known, to be felt, to be understood
To be to be to be to be to… behind the tree a girl is sitting
Which I offer a ride
But she looks right through me
Even I am right in her face
Even I am right in her face
Then the 17 days of rain
I am as dry as one can be
Not even a drop hit my face
While I kept looking up to see them fall down,
While I kept watching them feed the ground
Feed the ground that I stand on
Feed the ground that I sit on
Feed the ground that I lie on
Feed the ground that I lie in
Feed the ground that I live in
Feed the ground that I am in now
Then I realised there is no return
I kept watching the rain feed the ground,
I kept watching the dirt
I kept watching the dirt …
I kept watching the dirt coming down…
I kept watching the dirt coming down on me.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
brett whiteley studio - jane gibian - sunday oct 28
Poets Union seek space
We are currently in discussion with the City of Sydney regarding a poetry centre, but should this come to fruition it will be some time hence and we need accommodation in the meantime.
As a non-profit arts organisation, we are not able to pay commercial rents, but our status as a tax exempt charity and as a deductible gift recipient would allow a benefactor to claim as a tax deduction, the difference between the rent we pay and the property’s commercial value.
Should you have a suitable space, please contact me at the numbers below.
A brief history of the Poets Union and list of its committee follow.
Should you require documentation attesting our income tax exempt charity status; or status as a deductible gift recipient, please contact the Poets Union office.
Jutta Sieverding
Poets Union
Office: 9818 5366 (Mon, Wed, Fri)
Mobile: 0438 415 712 (anytime)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
WORDjaMMin' @ BAr Me Tuesday 16th OcT
What: Wordjammin'
When: Tuesday 16 October 2007
Where: 154 Brougham Street, Kings Cross
Wordjammin' @ Bar Me is on the third Tuesday of the month, 154 Brougham Street, Kings Cross. Drs open at 7.30pm for 8.00pm, $10.00. For more information contact Angela Stretch mobile: 0434 898 578 or eme: info@wordjammin.com.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
wednesday october 24 - Live Poets Society / Carolyn Gerrish
Guest Poet is Carolyn Gerrish who will read from her fourth collection Dark Laughter and new work. Also, Open Section (anyone is welcome to recite, sing, tell a story or play an instrument). R
eadings held fourth Wednesday of the month at the Don Bank Museum North Sydney, 7.30 - 10.30pm. $7 admission includes supper and drinks. Details, 9896 6956 or 0422 263 373 or dannylivepoets@yahoo.com.au
wednesday october 10 - PULP / Danny Gardner
PoetryUnLimitedPress Reading is:
Wednesday October 10, 7pm - 9pm,
Sappho Books & Cafe,
51 Glebe Pt Road
Ph 9552 4498.
This month's Guest Poet Danny Gardner is a poet, journalist & convenor of the 18 years strong Live Poets' Society Readings. Danny co-edited the last three Live Poets' Press anthologies and is the author of the collections Hope In Progress and Made In Public.