Sunday, October 28, 2007

Your Poetry

This site isn't just an events calendar. We want your poetry. Short & sweet (less than 20 lines is good, less than 10 is better). If you have images & links that relate to your then send those too. We can't give you money but we can share the lurve. We will also "publish" mp3 recording of poetry (with or without music).

Our email is here: and our eyes & ears are open.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

life of hair - kurt johnson

Life of hair - Kurt Johnson

We die in the corner of a room,
Sucked into our tomb of felt walls,
To the grey basalt of the moon
Tangled in a ball with our brothers,
Sucked into our tomb of felt walls,
From lives spent mid notes on a desk,
Tangled in a ball with our brothers,
At the end we all start to fray,
From lives spent mid notes on a desk,
Born as blonde chutes from the earth,
At the end we all start to fray,
Uprooted by a tense hand of god,
From lives spent mid notes on a desk,
To the grey basalt of the moon,
Uprooted by a tense hand of god,
We die in the corner of a room.

Image Source: charlietyack

Saturday, October 20, 2007

forty - peter coghill

Peter can often be found at PULP's Sappho Books night where his height tests the flexibility of the mic stand and his poems charm.

Forty - Peter Coghill

I would walk forward in circles,
in a waltz, to savour side
and backward views; I would
have eyes in unlikely places
and ears for forgotten songs.
I would walk spinningly,
a tourist, with hanging mouth,
round the ruins of my youth.

Image source: maproomsystems

to r.i.p - onur karaozbek

Onur "Ka" Karaozbek is a great performer and has generously provided this item for the poetry blog - and also the photograph below...

To R.I.P

City streets packed, every step a new person
But none looks back at me
Even I gaze and I stare,
Even I smile and I greet
Later that day hours of grid lock
Screaming men, screaming women
But no one screams at me
After I swerve on the old lady driving a Volvo,
After I crash in to the bus full of kids
At night no one is around
The light from the corner shop is humming
Birds flying away, ignoring me,
When I scatter around packs of seeds
When I scatter around packs of seeds
I keep going, I want to be seen
To be known, to be felt, to be understood
To be to be to be to be to… behind the tree a girl is sitting
Which I offer a ride
But she looks right through me
Even I am right in her face
Even I am right in her face
Then the 17 days of rain
I am as dry as one can be
Not even a drop hit my face
While I kept looking up to see them fall down,
While I kept watching them feed the ground
Feed the ground that I stand on
Feed the ground that I sit on
Feed the ground that I lie on
Feed the ground that I lie in
Feed the ground that I live in
Feed the ground that I am in now
Then I realised there is no return
I kept watching the rain feed the ground,
I kept watching the dirt
I kept watching the dirt …
I kept watching the dirt coming down…
I kept watching the dirt coming down on me.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

brett whiteley studio - jane gibian - sunday oct 28

Sunday October 28 Brett Whiteley Studio Reading: Jane Gibian, author of The Body’s Navigation (FIP) and long shadows (Vagabond). Also, Petra White, author of The Incoming Tide (John Leonard Press), published in Best Australian Poems (2004; 2006). Readings fourth Sunday of the month from 2pm, 2 Raper Street Surry Hills. Free entry. Guest Poet and Open Mic. Enquiries Brook Emery 0410 406 149

Poets Union seek space

Since the mid-nineties the Poets Union have enjoyed the support of Leichhardt Council which, in addition to sponsoring the Leichhardt Poetry Slam and the Leichhardt New Media Poetry Prize, has allowed us to occupy two rooms at the Balmain Town Hall complex at a modest rent ($66 per week, including GST). Unfortunately, Leichhardt Council plans to redevelop and extend the library and our tenure will cease at the end of the year.

We are currently in discussion with the City of Sydney regarding a poetry centre, but should this come to fruition it will be some time hence and we need accommodation in the meantime.

As a non-profit arts organisation, we are not able to pay commercial rents, but our status as a tax exempt charity and as a deductible gift recipient would allow a benefactor to claim as a tax deduction, the difference between the rent we pay and the property’s commercial value.

Should you have a suitable space, please contact me at the numbers below.

A brief history of the Poets Union and list of its committee follow.

Should you require documentation attesting our income tax exempt charity status; or status as a deductible gift recipient, please contact the Poets Union office.

Jutta Sieverding
Poets Union
Office: 9818 5366 (Mon, Wed, Fri)
Mobile: 0438 415 712 (anytime)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

WORDjaMMin' @ BAr Me Tuesday 16th OcT

This month we feature poets Bravo and Benito DeFonzo accompanied by some fine musicianship. Wordjammin' @ Bar Me is a night of poetry and music that features different guest poets and musicians each month. These artists will come together in a principally improvised format and the result is
What: Wordjammin'
When: Tuesday 16 October 2007
Where: 154 Brougham Street, Kings Cross

Wordjammin' @ Bar Me is on the third Tuesday of the month, 154 Brougham Street, Kings Cross. Drs open at 7.30pm for 8.00pm, $10.00. For more information contact Angela Stretch mobile: 0434 898 578 or eme:

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

wednesday october 24 - Live Poets Society / Carolyn Gerrish

Guest Poet is Carolyn Gerrish who will read from her fourth collection Dark Laughter and new work. Also, Open Section (anyone is welcome to recite, sing, tell a story or play an instrument). R

eadings held fourth Wednesday of the month at the Don Bank Museum North Sydney, 7.30 - 10.30pm. $7 admission includes supper and drinks. Details, 9896 6956 or 0422 263 373 or

wednesday october 10 - PULP / Danny Gardner

PoetryUnLimitedPress Reading is:
Wednesday October 10, 7pm - 9pm,
Sappho Books & Cafe,
51 Glebe Pt Road
Ph 9552 4498.

This month's Guest Poet Danny Gardner is a poet, journalist & convenor of the 18 years strong Live Poets' Society Readings. Danny co-edited the last three Live Poets' Press anthologies and is the author of the collections Hope In Progress and Made In Public.